One summer in the early 90s I was absolutely doing nothing... so I started
going to this record store because I had a crush on this record owner who was
10 years older than me (I was 16 so it seemed like a big difference to most
people especially my parents!).
I would look for stuff to buy of course because I had to be there for a reason
n'est-ce pas. So one day I bought the Aztec 10" Backwards and Forwards, but first
I had him put in on the turntable so I could listen to it to prolong my stay and he
started singing along with "Jump", you know, "can't you see me standing here I've
got my back against the record machiiinnne..." And I just swooned. Both him and
Roddy what a combo.
And I loved the whole record... so perfectly romantic for a crush. Then I bought
Stray from a cut-out bin (unfortunately, fortunate for me) from the chain store
down the street from me since I was killing time another day. I loved that too.
I wrote roddy a letter sometime later... can't remember if I ever mailed it though.
Been a fan for some years now... although i'm definitely paying more attention
these days thanks to the lovely website.
P.S. - That record store owner and I have been married for 4 years now and have
a 3 year old son! Quietly persistent is what he says...